
A bit about llamas.

Llamas love Portland.
Llamas are soft and squishy;
They spit in your eye.

Wander the streets with 
all my llama friends and I. 
We won't let you down!

Oh dear llama friend, 
Please make me a soft sweater
To wear when it's cold.


It's been a while

Pitter patter
beating of my heart
pounds in my chest
just thinking
face contorts
what is this grin I feel
where did it come from

oh right

flitting around inside
a thousand million butterflies
wanting to escape
so they force 
their energy on my typing fingers
to keep from bursting my flesh

aah sweet joy
so bitter sweet as
i roll it around my tongue
savor the flavour
the texture of it
smooth, silky

how does something so sweet
terrify me to my core?


Haiku competition for Azurell

Oh! Sweet and gentle
Beast of the sea and my life.
Carry me away!

A new time and place
We can live without disgrace.
Feel your tentacles...

Wrap them around me,
Creature of my desire,
Never let me go.

Never give me up.
Never let me down; oh no!
How does that feel? Woot!

I love you Az'rell,
All the fun things that you do,
Your octo-pye too!

Apathy = <3

Face pressed
To the glass
Of our indiscretions
Broken thoughts
Frayed edges
Fall to the floor
Mind liquidation
Apathetic notions
Of a one way street
Forked in two
One way desires
The other
Rationalizing rationality
Repeating myself
Again and over
Dried cracked tongue
white flag waved
Here it comes
A wave of pure sweet and beautiful
And only then
Can I feel free

Take me

Pacing, waiting.
Rushing, tightning.
Tensing, breathing.
Throbbing, waiting
Gently shaking
Kissing, whispering
hushed and amber tones
Sliding, slipping
stroking pace
quivering, grabbing
grab and pullling
needing lusting
more and more
feel you move
shiver scream
bite and dig